Marilyn's Life From East to West

Blog Comments- PR Practicum 3711
January 26, 2010, 6:21 pm
Filed under: Blog Comments, PR Practicum 3711

1.  Cover Letter and Resume Tips- Sarah Kemp

  • January 26, 2010
  • I think that it is great to reflect your attitude in the cover letter because they will get a glimpse of your personality. Since a resume only says what you have done, a cover letter can really help you out. Those are great tips!

2. You’re Fired!- Ally Kupcewicz

  • Ally Kupcewicz
  • February 9, 2010
  • I agree about firing people in groups- you either do the work or don’t, and just like real life, you have to pay the consequences.  Really, it is not that hard, especially considering its group work and we are given a lot more time than we will have in a real job.  I got lucky and had a great group for research.  We definitely had our differences when deciding who was doing what and how things would be done but hey, what can you do?  I think it’s a good experience so that we can learn to work with different personality types.

3.  Eagle Expo Career Fair- Allison Allmond

  • Allison Allmond
  • April 19, 2010
  • That’s a really good idea about doing your homework about the different clients that are going to be at the career fair.  It sounds awesome to a company when they can tell that you have actually done your research and maybe they will eventually hire you.  Honestly, I would feel like a total idiot going up to a company I was interested in and not being able to ask appropriate questions about the different careers that they offer.  Also, I thought that was a really great idea about standing in the shorter lines.  I think especially in college there are a lot of companies we are not familiar with a thus don’t try and learn more about them.  Talking to one of the reps could actually show us that they seem great and maybe interested in giving them a resume.

4.  Career Services Event Reaction Blog- Stephanie Medlin

  • Stephanie Medlin
  • April 19, 2010
  • I really liked the idea about doing a mock interview with career services at school.  I have been surprised to hear a lot of students talking about their experience doing them and how helpful they were.  I thought the idea seemed kind of scary which seems silly because I have done interviews before.  The people there would probably be so helpful because they really know the best and worst things to say and how to make yourself stand out as one of the most qualified candidates.  I also think the tip about being prepared beforehand is helpful because winging it in a interview could end up being a total disaster if you haven’t done some research about the company and practiced a few questions and answers.

5.  Kotex’s New Advertising Campaign- Lauren Parr

  • Lauren Parr
  • April 19, 2010
  • I just love this advertisement and post about it!  I like the other commercial too with the girl dressed in white and bluntly addressing the persuasion used in most commercials.  The one you posted is funny but so true of how most commercials make “that time of the month” portrayed.  No one gets excited about a new tampon, I mean come on.  The public relations strategies really are brilliant thought because they relate to their target audience in a way that many other similar companies have not.  Great PR and hopefully they will do more because they are hilarious!

6.  10 Ways that PR People Can Sometimes Drive Journalists Crazy- Carrie Abramson

  • Carrie Abramson
  • April 19, 2010
  • It’s funny that PR people and journalists really tick each other off because the fields they work in are so similar but different at the same time.  PR people work more for the client whereas journalists are supposed to be more objective.  I think that the idea of sending irrelevant press releases is something for PR people to be especially aware of because that just makes the journalists further disregard you later on down the road when you have something interesting for them to see or release. Also, it is our job not to write their articles for them like you said.  Great post!

7.   Are you a LUCKY DUCK?- Lindsay Addison

  • Lindsay Addison
  • April 19, 2010
  • So now I totally want a glass of that wine it sounds good.  I’m a big fan myself although I have to say it is definitely an acquired taste, I hated it at first.  I like the name “Lucky Duck” too its pretty cute.  On that note I think that is really good advertising because a name that stands out makes the consumer much more inclined to try the product, at least in my opinion.  The fact that its cheap too makes it a real bargain; I’m a big fan of Trader Joe’s wine because it is about $2.50 which is nice.  Thanks for the review and I’ll be sure to try it in the near future.

8.  Week 2- Olivia Jordan

  • Olivia Jordan
  • April 19, 2010
  • I love that video that all of the musical artists have done to help Haiti.  I bought the song a few weeks ago and it gave me chills just listening to it because it shows how much they care and want to help too.  It sounds like there are at least 50 different artists and that’s pretty cool that they all came together.  Thank God for the American Red Cross and all they are doing too.  I try to give blood as much as I can because its so important especially during a crisis like this.  More PR definitely needs to be focused on nonprofit corporations because we really have the ability to help and I think it should be a much stronger focus in our generation.  Great post!

9.  Celebrities Using the “R” Word- Kelsey Hendrix

  • Kelsey Hendrix
  • April 19, 2010
  • I really really liked this post because it a problem and way too frequently used in today’s society.  I feel that is some ways it is used almost as the word “like.”  I have to admit that I am guilty of saying it and need to make a conscious effort to remove it from my vocabulary altogether.  It’s not a nice word and even for medical terminology it still has acquired a stigma that has a negative complex.  It’s sad to see how many stars use the word especially because many of their comments end up on TV and the radio.  Especially with Chelsea Handler, I LOVE her sense of humor but even she could cut back on those words and probably a few others.  Love your blog!

10.  PR Connection 2: Kell on Earth- Sarah Gricius

  • Sarah Gricius
  • April 19, 2010
  • I really like the show Kell on Earth and its pretty annoying that Northland cable took Bravo off the air so we can’t watch it every week but it is on Hulu!  I think that Kelly Cutrone is absolutely a role model for women in the public relations field because she really takes her job seriously and has become one of the most recognized people in the PR field.  She has also done her own PR work for People’s Revolution and made it have its own reputation besides what The Hills showed.  I think I might be too scared to work for her now, she is definitely someone you might want to work for after a little experience.   Great post!

11.   Learn From My Mistake…- Candice Hall

  • Candice Hall
  • April 19, 2010
  • You are definitely a stand out intern if you can admit/publish your mistake because that is a really great lesson learned and advice for any other interns who will have separate email accounts.  I haven’t had a different one yet but I will definitely keep your advice in mind.  These days we have so many email accounts it can be hard to keep up, I think I have 3- 2 that I check every day.  Even though you made a mistake, you probably won’t make one like that again which is good to know- I think we have to make mistakes to learn some really important lessons and its great to know now rather than in a job 5 years down the road!

12.  iPad… not so great after all- Caroline Rawlins

  • Caroline Rawlins
  • April 19, 2010
  • I like your post because I have been really curious about the iPad. It seems like the Kindle in a lot of ways but a little more advanced. The idea of reading a book but not on paper seems like a little too much technology for me right now. You are so right about the pride factor too, it seems to be pretty abundant among companies right now. I think that Apple products are so cool really because of the PR and various advertising concepts that they use- they always really hip and in with the generation. I don’t know about the iPad though- it really just seems like too much too fast. It’s so crazy to think about what in the world our kids will be using in college if we are already using stuff like this.

13. Samantha “Sex and the City”- Kayle Hutchins

  • Kayle Hutchins
  • April 19, 2010
  • We have brought up Samantha from Sex and the City a lot in my PR classes and how a career in public relations is not going to be like that.  Sure it really does look pretty cool and glamorous but you have to do work to actually get paid and live in the nice area of NYC.  Regardless of the comparison, I think that public relations is a great field to be in because of the variety of work we will get to do and all the connections we will make along the way.  Samantha does more entertainment publicity which is kind of what I want to do, but I think she sets up a lot of false hope for people looking to get into that industry!

14. To Tweet, Or Not to Tweet- Loren Woodard

  • Loren Woodard
  • April 19, 2010
  • Oh Twitter….  it has been something I have been trying to figure out for about 2 years now.  I like it a lot but have not totally caught the bug like a lot of have seem to have caught.  I think that it is extremely helpful when it comes to the news and trendy topics because the public really has a voice.  One of the best parts is it’s easy to find people you want to follow instead of having to search all over the Internet for various updates.  Good luck with Twitter!  It’s definitely a cool concept and I want to become more advanced.

15. Tiger’s Press Conference- Haley Barnes

  • Hayley Barnes
  • April 19, 2010
  • Haley, I totally agree with you about Mr. Woods.  Humility really does go a long way and I think it is about time that he really shows some.  I see both sides of the whole issue-  I think he should be really sorry for what he did to his wife and how he is a role model and let down a lot of people.  On the other hand it kind of bothers me that he has to apologize to the public because it really isn’t any of our business at all.  I guess thats just what you sign up for when you are in the public eye.

16. Interview- Sarah Kemp

  • Sarah Kemp
  • April 20, 2010
  • Your  interview is really interesting and Melissa seems like she has a really neat job!  Like she said, it seems to be really important to be passionate about the work you are doing because you are selling ideas and clients in a way.  It’s important to believe in what you say and do!  She also said that email is important so for us as PR students we need to be able to write professional emails that get the point across.  It really seems like writing needs to be our number one skill along with overall communication skills.  This interview was really informative!

17. PR Connection- Viral Video- Allie Schlumper

  • Allie Schlumper
  • April 20, 2010
  • Love your video!  I actually went to Bruesters that night to support PRSSA and of course get some of the best ice cream EVER aka Graham Central Station- love it!  I think that it’s so great PRSSA did this because it really gets the name out there and allows the businesses around Statesboro to learn more about Georgia Southern University and the different organizations we have along with how we can lend a hand. And where is a better place to volunteer that Brusters? It’s a really cute video and if that event takes place again I am totally there!

18. Current Event: Air China Transports 10,000 to Mecca

  • Amy Gemmel
  • April 20, 2010
  • That is a really interesting post and topic.  I can’t believe that many flights went back and forth to the Mecca and I think that is great philanthropy and maybe giving Muslims some of their respect back.  Ever since 9/11 it has absolutely been a constant battle for them to be seen in a positive light and given the respect they deserve.  Stereotypes are unfortunately a part of the human society and I wish it didn’t have to always be by using the negative.  Hopefully the mission that China has taken among themselves will encourage others to do the same and maybe loosen up some of the negative attitudes.

19.  Internship- Kristin Bixby

  • Kristin Bixby
  • April 20, 2010
  • I think that all of the advice you gave is really good.  You are so right about all internships being different and the need to have a variety of skills for whatever that internship may require.  I remember you telling me about the PR internship you had in California and it sounds like you got some real first hand experience.  The fact from the Washington Post is really true too, I have definitely heard that internships really give you a leg up when it comes to getting a job either with that company or a different one.  Great post!

20.  Shadow Project- Meghan Beytagh

  • Meghan Beytagh
  • April 20, 2010
  • I think that your shadow project is great and am sooo excited to work with you at Abshire PR!  Kara seems like a really great role model, especially in the public relations aspect.  I think that the coolest part of your experience was that you got to write a press release and an invitation (great items to put into your portfolio).  It seems like there is a good deal of writing which is great experience to increase our skills.  It’s also really neat how the clients seem to be so diverse as you got to see in the day you were there so there is obviously a lot going on!  Great post and can’t wait to start!

21.  Braves Career Fair- Eryn Pond

  • Eryn Pond
  • April 20, 2010
  • This is so cool!  All of those teams are really awesome and I think it would be neat to have any type of communication job in the sports industry.  Thanks for providing all of those sites too I’m sure they will be really helpful to anyone who is interested in that industry.  The Career Services Website is so handy and before this year I never really paid it much attention but it offers so many great opportunities.  That’s great that you are so interested in sports because this may have been the perfect opportunity for you! Thanks for the post!

22. Learning From Interviewing Others in the PR World- Emily Roche

  • Emily Roche
  • April 20, 2010
  • It honestly sounds after all of the interviews I have read from PR professionals that there is no such thing as a typical week.  I think its interesting that Amy mentioned ethics as one of her top tips- I think it’s a great tip you just don’t hear it as much as some of the other things such as writing. It also sounds like she does a really great job at keeping current in the PR industry through reading PR blogs and making a conscious effort to network at concerts or art events.  Networking skills are so crucial for us to have and use on a regular basis.

23. PR Connections 10- Viral Video- Jeremy Watruba

  • Jeremy Watruba
  • April 20, 2010
  • Love the video- you and Emily have great acting skills and I don’t think mine are so bad either.  I think this video is really funny but it could be informative to someone looking to join PRSSA or its they are not sure if it sounds like something they want to do.  I have to say that the PRSSA conference has been my favorite part of being involved because we got to hear from professionals in a wide variety of PR industries.  I was very much interested in the entertainment side of public relations and with all the other seminars I realized that non-profit and event planning are really interesting as well! Great video!

24. Podcasts- How PR Majors Benefit from Listening- Kati Ann Wright

  • Kati Ann Wright
  • April 10, 2010
  • Podcasts sounds like a really good idea, although I have to admit I have not actually listened to one before; I really should get on that.  Thanks for the website I am definitely going to check it out.  That’s also interesting to know that even we, as students, are capable of making our own podcast and having our voices heard.  I think that is one of the best part of media such as podcasts because it give voice to the public and allows because to give and take from topics they are interested in.  I’ll have to download some on my iTunes soon!

25. The PR Pro: Rachel Miller- Kristen Kelly

  • Kristen Kelly
  • April 20, 2010
  • I love hearing about the responses from Georgia Southern University graduates because their experiences with classes are in some ways very similar to ours now!  It’s kind of crazy that GSU has to do so much PR but I guess thats exactly what attracts students to universities especially when there is so much competition with schools such as UGA.  Thats really great that she can work from Atlanta and also gets to travel across the country while still getting to work for GSU in Statesboro.  Sounds like a fun job that allows her to travel and meet a lot of really great people!

Body Language & Nonvebal Communication in Job Interviews
January 26, 2010, 5:35 pm
Filed under: PR Practicum 3711

We all know that what comes out of our mouth during an interview is extremely important because that could make or break a job. Another thing employers are looking for is your body language and other things that you don’t necessarily show through talking.  I knew a few things that were important, such as eye contact and crossing my legs, but through some research I found some other helpful tips that I hope you will get some used out of.

  • I found a video online that was really helpful as far as verbal and nonverbal tips when interviewing.  Mike Aguilera lets the audience know some do’s and don’ts when you are in an interview.
  • It is so important to dress for the part.  Dressing professionally is definitely something that the interviewer will be looking at; in fact, it is really the first thing that they will notice.  If you aren’t sure what to wear you can always ask the person you have been communicating with.  Another good idea is to over-dress if you are unsure.  You will be glad that you walked in looking professional rather that being under-dressed than everyone else there, and the interviewer will definitely notice.
  • Don’t fidget.  Sometimes this can be difficult, especially if you are nervous, but it really does show.  If you are moving all around in your chair or playing with your watch, it can be distracting.  It might even be a better idea to not where a watch at all so you won’t be tempted to repeatedly look down at it.  Sit up straight in your chair and lean slightly forward to show that you are interested.
  • Lay low on the perfume/cologne. Yes, it is important to smell nice (i.e. wear deodorant!!)  But you must be careful not to exude too much fragrance or it could have the opposite effect that you are hoping for.  One squirt should probably do the trick (maybe 2), but too much will make the interviewer want to get you out of there rather than remain interested in what you have to say.
  • What if there is more than one person interviewing you?  This was something i was kind of unsure about, but the best tip I got was to make eye contact with each person when you are answering a question.  If you just look at one person it can be insulting to the other person, so addressing everyone is the room is your best bet and might encourage them to ask you more questions (in a good way).
  • Pay attention to the interviewer’s body language. This tip is one tip that I had not really thought of before, and it is so crucial!  When you are talking to the interviewer you can tell from their body language whether they are pleased or not.  If they are smiling and nodding, that is usually a sign of pleasure.  If they are shaking their head, folding their arms, or leaning back, they may not be so impressed.  If you notice that they seem uneasy or disappointed try and elaborate on your answer or further explain yourself.  Sometimes things can come out the wrong way, and by paying attention to the interviewer you can learn this and correct your mistake.

I hope these will help!


Career Builder

Self Growth


Resume & Cover Letter Tips
January 19, 2010, 3:50 am
Filed under: PR Practicum 3711

Resumes are so so so important!!!  It is important to really let your company know all about you- but in no longer than a page, preferably.  I think that when you are looking for a job/internship, it is important to list not only jobs you have had but also other accomplishments, internships, and relevant experience that could increase your value.  Another important and ethical standard for your resume is do not lie!!!  Don’t put a job or skill about yourself on there that isn’t true because that could end up killing your chances.  Here on some other tips I have found from professionals:

  1. Prioritize your resume: This is a more time consuming task but many times well worth the effort.  It will most likely catch the recruiters eye when they see that your experience, skills, and qualifications match the job position they are looking to fill.
  2. Look at resume examples: I found this to be one of the most helpful tips when I was beginning my resume process.  It’s not easy to come up with excellent wording and style without checking out a few examples first.  Sometimes you might read one and think “That is just the sentence/style I have been looking for.”
  3. Prioritize the content on your resume: Make sure to list the most important content, including relevant experience and skills,first on the resume.  Key accomplishments should also be listed at the top of each position so that recruiters don’t have to search for the most important information.

Recently, I feel like I have been writing cover letters every single week- sometimes many in just a few days!!  I think it is extremely important to personalize each letter to the company but also keep a similar frame that can be used for many different ones.  Also, if you are using a general outline for each cover letter MAKE SURE to not forget to change the company name and list your goals and skills overall and with that company.  I have done some research on the web and found a few tips that might come in helpful for all of us looking for jobs soon:

  1. Make sure there are NO mistakes: It is so very important to read over and over again to make sure there are no typos and all contact information is correct.  I personally think that one of the best ideas is to have at least two people read your cover letter to make sure that the content flows and everything sounds right.  Sometimes when we are reading are own material, we skip over the mistakes because we already know what we intended to say/write.
  2. Convince the reader to look at your resume: A cover letter is almost like a first impression without meeting you.  Be eloquent and professional when presenting yourself and your value to the company, but the key is leading them to your resume since that is where the bulk of the information is.  However they most likely will not read the resume unless the cover letter is without error and gets to the point.  The first time I tried to write a cover letter on my own it was over a page and then I read some tips and got it down to a page- basically weeding out information that the recruiter could review in my resume.
  3. Be Brief: Similar to what I said in the last tip, it is important to be short and sweet in your cover letter.  You want to let the reader know about yourself, what you expect to get from the company, and what you can do for them.  It is important to remember, especially for internships, that they are not just there to teach you- you are helping them (and potentially getting a job from them!).  A standard cover letter should be about 3-4 paragraphs.  This should be enough space to touch on every topic that you wish and also will be informational to the reader.


  1. Jobsearch
  3. Accent Resume